Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Catching up

Well I left answerphone messages at the Day Treatment Unit and The District Nurse before 8:45 am.  Both got back to me around just before 10:00.  The appointment has been made for Friday morning, the nurse at the DTU just forgot to ring me and tell me.  So everyone knew except me.

The cold and cough are still with me, wish it would go.  The constant runny nose and coughing are beginning to get to me.  All those that think I should ring the triage nurse and ask what to do, comment here.  My temperature is stable, so I reckon they will just say tough, its a cold.

Had a great phone chat with Andy C, good to catch up on his news and talk to someone who has been here and done it.  Must be close to 10 years since I last saw Andy, good times.  Also had an email from Chris Stone, haven't heard from him for 4 years or so.  He has exited the rat race and is living in a field in Derbyshire.  Sounds idyllic except for the 8" of snow.  Happiness is so much more than money.  

Think I might walk down the garden and take a picture of the wild flower meadow to post on here later.

1 comment:

  1. Living in a fiels sounds perfect as long as i could leave the kids behind lol *only sort of joking *
