Feeling really sick today and have been since I woke up. Managed half a bowl of bran flakes for breakfast and have just had a packet of crisps for lunch but I am struggling. Haven't felt this bad before hope it goes away quickly once I get home.
Talking of home, we seem to be on for a 6:00 pm departure if all continues to go well. Ali did a great job in the night with the changeovers and the last lot is a double bag 12 hour stint that went on at 5:20am. So all I have to do is keep it going in and I could be home by 7:00.
Thanks to all who have been thinking of me. Has kept my spirits up this visit.
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Everything crossed that you're home on the sofa by 7pm and that you wake up tomorrow fancying the strangest combination of foods imaginable, we'll all know you're feeling a bit better then!