Sunday, 14 April 2013

Surgeon Tomorrow

A week of hospitals and doctors coming up. On Monday I have the follow up appointment with the surgeon. I am planning to have a good moan, I am still sore and swollen and I don't feel like it has got any better for about 4 weeks. OK it isn't keeping me in bed or on the sofa but it is uncomfortable all the time and painful sometimes.
Tuesday is my GP. She will have the results of my blood tests from last week. We are hoping to find out why my skin itches all the time. I still think it is the blood pressure drugs that were increased during chemo. She was adamant that it wasn't.

Then on Wednesday my mum has a cataract assessment. I am hoping my sister will be able to do that one so I don't get hospital overdose.

Friday is radiotherapy consultant day. Should get a start date and a duration for the radio therapy. That will make planning the rest of my life a bit easier.

Had a few days in Dorset this weekend, which highlighted how sore and swollen I am. Over did it on Wednesday and paid for it on Thursday and Friday. Caught up with old friend and regular blog reader Richard for lunch on Thursday. It was great to see him. The support from so many people like him has kept me positive and sane through the past year.

Thank you blog readers.

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