Tuesday, 26 March 2013

It's a funny old road to recovery

The weekend had good bits and bad bits.  The swelling is definitely still going down, not as quickly as I would like though.  I thought I had some energy on Saturday and went with Sharon to do the weekly shop, carried a pack of toilet rolls home and that was it I had to have a sleep on the sofa.  Sunday was similar, I never really got going.  Simon came round Sunday evening and cheered me up, he still has too much work and not enough time.  Nice problem to have.

Monday was a great day.  I drove all the way to Cambridge and back.  Sharon was supposed to be in Cambridge for a haircut on the day after my operation, she cancelled to be with me and to bring me home from hospital.  It was then re-arranged for last Saturday, but the amount of snow between us and Cambridge resulted into a postponement to Monday.   I was fine driving until Northampton on the way back when things started to ache a bit, I had been sat in the car for too long without a break, but I made it home and felt really good for it. 

Can't remember if I mentioned it before, but I have started a photo journal as well as the blog.  Don't worry, it isn't pictures of my scar and swellings.  You can see it at www.blipfoto.com/grahamwh

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