4 days on from the operation and I am starting to feel like I am recovering. Went to see the doctor this morning and she says the wound is healing well and cleanly and I am looking very good considering the size of the job. Still can't walk far and everything is swollen and hurts, but it is getting better.
She also gave me some skin creams to try and overcome the rash that still appears where my PICC line dressing was. She also wants me to have some blood tests to check that everything is OK.
Spent a few hours researching and writing about Talent Management for a little project I am looking at. It really wore me out and I had to have a lie down, but it took my mind off of the pain and the swelling. If I stay fairly still in the office chair it is a fairly comfortable place to be and getting up from it is easy.
Had a long phone chat with my brother, good to catch up with him and was useful company. Realised it is the first time for 12 days I have been on my own all day as SHaron is back to work. The Macmillan nurse also rang and was amazed how positive and upbeat I am considering I had an operation on Friday. I can't see any point being any other way. There are 2 possible outcomes from all this and I am not planning to die. So I will stay upbeat and positive, keep believing everyone in the NHS is doing the best they can for me with the resources they have available and that we will beat this thing.
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